Romantic Science Healthcare
Treatment Program
A successful treatment program must:
identify all possible causes of illness;
address both regimenal factors (nutritional deficiencies and toxic overload) and specific blockages to health (shocks, traumas, iatrogenic insults, emotional conflicts, inherited factors);
take into account genetic, biochemical and psychological individuality;
be practical, easy to implement, and affordable;
provide an easy to understand map of treatment for both practitioner and patient;
be able to address and manage the healing process;
be sufficiently flexible to address acute situations and new information.
We have designed our program, through more than 25 years of research and clinical experience, so that it:
can be done via phone/Skype consultations
can be carried out readily at home
will involve minimal supplements
is based on objective tests and information
provides the basis for a maintenance healthcare program you can continue the rest of your life on your own.