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What Our Students Say

Studying with us is an exhilirating, stimulating and satisfying experience. We emphasize learning, not memorization; ideas and meaning, not facts; understanding, not regurgitation. Education is about freeing and developing the potential of each mind, not stuffing the brain with data that has a best-before date and only leaves us still thirsty for meaning and understanding.

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Each time I hear the information I seem to understand it and absorb it on a different level. It is always new and interesting. Your explanations are so concise.


[It] has been and continues to be an awesome journey... and I look forward to continuing this lifelong education.


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Great work to have, this study process!

I’m beginning to appreciate the alive nutritive value in regimen, both physical and mental. The coursework gets my 5-star Zagat rating ;-).


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Must just tell you once again how grateful I am to be learning this fascinating system. With every module I read, I can feel the resonance of the teachings within me…[M]y world view is changing so much…


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Just a note of thanks for a wonderful first year of the rest of my life. It has been enlightening, inspirational and highly educational. I feel truly privileged… and a little humbled by the teachings...


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I am thoroughly enjoying my research and studies to answer the questions you sent us, and my only suggestion would be to even give us more questions to answer in the future!


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This evening was my first HCH distance tele-conference. It was awesome to be connected and to be a part of a group where others are taking the program this way. Very inspiring.


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What a powerful summer school! The most moving were the different energies that congregated….outstanding!!! 


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You have a very professional setup there. I am very proud to be a student. During [a recent] trip, I listened to the audio of “From Labyrinth to the Light”. It was just amazing!! 


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I have had many life experiences, attended multiple schools, and met all kinds of different people around the world ... I have had the chance to study for a year now, and this year has been the most life-altering and enlightening one yet. I have met many unbelievably gifted people. The material that I have had the chance to study is mind-blowing. I have promised myself, and the world, that I would continue my search for the truth, for the best possible system of medicine, for what really works, and I believe that the material taught [here] is vital to my quest.


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After the first month of treatment, with almost every case, we saw improvements. And with each month, we continued to see improvements, in every case. As can be expected in our daily practice, we had a wide variety of cases, particularly with the level of complexity, and even the most complex and deeply diseased patients proved to be positively affected within those six months.

Not only did we see the chief complaints of most patients disappear or drastically improve through the months, but we saw many shifts on the emotional level towards better health.


The material ... has enhanced our understanding ... greatly. My classmates and I have been greatly excited to learn the new concepts and ideas ... making it a truly good foundation course ...There is much more to be said about Rudi’s life-giving input in the course development. 


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... after attending Summer School and listening to Rudi, it all came together for me. I wrote a note during one of our sessions in Ottawa to a friend and said “I feel like I’m a part of something really big here.” The light bulb came on, my understanding became clearer, and [I felt] that [we were] taking a huge step forward. Rudi really put the pieces in place ...


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Thank you for providing me with an incredible gift that I can now use to help others — to truly understand disease and how to cure it.


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After searching for truth for some 20 years in the health field, my first weekend spent in the classroom with Rudi was like someone opening a door to freedom and health... and I’m still as excited as that first day ... Not only does Rudi deliver his teachings with enthusiasm, it is clear that he has a profound intelligence and a deep, resonant understanding ... Rudi’s ability to express ... principles and philosophy with constant reference to the [oroginal sources] creates a very grounded sense of trust and confidence among his students. …I feel extremely fortunate to have this opportunity to learn ... through such a gifted and innovative scholar.


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Thank you so much for the wonderful and intriguing opportunity to come together and experience the electromagnetic energy of powerful ideas… This was a great learning and unlearning experience for me; a great source of releasing and understanding….


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Personally I had a number of open questions in my mind upon starting clinical, and I felt I was able to answer some of them during the process. May I share a few of them with you?


Question: Does this stuff really work?Answer: Yes

Question: What does it do?

Answer: In addition to addressing the specific symptomatic complaints, it promotes a deeper transformative process within the individuality of the patient.

Question: Do I have what it takes to operate this system?

Answer: Yes. Like anything, the more knowledge, judgement, and supersensible insight you bring to bear, the more successful you will be. But the principles of the system are such that a person of ordinary abilities and limited experience can still be effective.


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Hi all, thank-you so much to all of those people who played a role in organizing summer school …It was truly a very memorable & informative experience. I was delighted to put faces to the names of everyone I have chatted with on line. It was truly empowering to be among so many positive and caring people, who are making a difference in our world.

After doing some considerable research for several years into the field of “alternative medicine” I happened upon Rudi Verspoor, who very generously gave me his time and expertise. He answered my questions with patience and accuracy. I took even more time and did even more research into various schools ... before finally deciding to study with Rudi Verspoor...


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I am a new student and I just wanted to write to express how absolutely amazed I am by the material I am learning. I’m currently ... working through the recorded lectures (I will soon import them onto my iPod and listen to them when I walk my dog). It is so helpful to be studying as I work through my own treatment. I initially understood how treatment supports the study process, but now I also recognize that studying supports the treatment.


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I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to be studying! I graduated with an honours degree in philosophy, and while I excelled at my studies, I felt as though my soul was starving. I studied in an intimate context, and my professors were unusually receptive, but when I spoke about the dangers of abstract theorizing and the need for practical contextualization, I nevertheless felt as though my emotional outbursts were being dismissed as a lack of sophistication. And for a while, I accepted this as the truth, thinking that as I continued with graduate studies I would learn how to distance myself appropriately from my studies. Now that I am studying [Romantic Science], I feel as though I am exercising my rational capacities with as much rigour as I apply to my University courses. The difference is that my soul is also responding and I no longer have to silence it. My mind was very adept at following the dialectic of the German Idealists and I could effectively present the dynamism of Boehme’s theogony, but I see now that that was nothing compared to the learning that I will have to undergo in order to practice the dynamism of [RomanticScience Healthcare]. My nagging suspicions that the theoretical acrobats were not enough have been confirmed and I am so relieved to have discovered this before I really did learn to divorce myself from my intellectual pursuits in order to survive the cut throat atmosphere of the academy...


And this is just the beginning. I am enthusiastic to continue learning this fascinating science and art.


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Words can’t begin to explain the gratitude I feel ... on my journey of wellness and truth. My eyes and heart keep opening bigger & bigger with all the knowledge I am gaining through my studies. Your words inspire me, resonate in me and give me the energy to keep 'knowing'.


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Just a note of thanks for a wonderful first year of the rest of my life. It has been enlightening, inspirational and highly educational. I feel truly privileged...

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International center for the practice of Medical Heilkunst and Romantic Science Healthcare.  Treatment and healthcare for children and adults. 

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Romantic science offers a door into a world of meaning and knowledge. Explore the possibilities for you to expand your mind and raise your level of consciousness. 


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