Dynamic Regimen Program
The following gives you a brief outline of the various components of this study program.
Foundational Levels:
Foundations of Western Culture
Foundations of Romantic Science
Foundations of Romantic Healthcare

Level One - Principles of Regimenal Therapeutics
Part I - Fundamental Principles and Concepts
General Theory of Excitation (Brown)
Idea/Concept of Regimenal Polarities
Part II - Key Individuals/Approaches/Therapies
History and explanation of physicians/therapies
Part III - Establishing an Integrated Therapeutic System

Level Two - Study of Remedial Measures
Part I - Four Cardinal Points
Part II - Advanced Nutritional Approach
Epi-genotypes and Metabolic Types
Foundational Formulations
Typologies vs Individualization
Part III - Additional Therapies
Essential Oils, Flower Essences, Biotherapies, etc.

Level Three -
Pre-Clinical Work
This component involves various exercises to integrate the previous study material into a comprehensive approach to therapeutic regimen, using actual and model cases. You will then be ready to enter the clinical internship if you so wish.

Clinical Internship
Having successfully completed the three levels of Dynamic Regimen, you will then be eligible to undertake a comprehensive clinical internship that will prepare you for a successful practice.
You will apply all that you have learned to actual cases, supervised by a skilled practitioner, who will guide you at every step.
You will identify and treat underlying imbalances behind various disorders and determine what therapeutic measures are most appropriate and effective for a given case.
Once the internship is completed, you will have the necessary skills and confidence to start a rewarding practice helping people, even difficult ones where other treatments have yielded few or no results.