Background and Overview
Education and Study Options
Foundations, History and Ideas
Treatment Options and Practitioners
​Education and Study Programs
Romantic Science was at the foundation of what is known as the Romantic movement in Western culture, initiated in the late 1700s and early 1800s and advanced in the two centuries since by various genial minds to the point that we can now say that "Romanticism has come of age".
Romantic Science is the rational basis for learning about vital or living nature (natura naturans), just as material science (physics, chemistry, and other inertial sciences) is the basis for knowledge about inert nature (natura naturata). Whereas the materialistic approach is that life arose randomly out of matter ('the chance whirlings of unproductive particles' - Coleridge) and matter itself out of nothing, Romantic Science has discovered that matter is a product of mind and consciousness, not its cause, and that mind and mindfulness is the essence of the universe.
Romantic Science includes the laws pertaining to inert nature to the extent that this is part of organisms, but also sets out new laws that apply to their dynamic, vital aspect.
Romantic Science is the foundation of Romantic Healthcare.
Romantic Science gave birth to Romantic Healthcare, which is the practical application of its laws and principles.
Romantic Healthcare is based rather on direct knowledge of the specific laws reigning in and over vital nature, and the use of therapeutic measures consistent with such laws, while also taking into account the laws and principles derived from the inertial sciences as required, while today the main system of medicine is founded on inertial sciences, on the assumption that knowledge of the laws prevailing in inert and dead matter is the means to deal with the problems of health and illness.
Romantic Healthcare consists of two main branches – Dynamic Regimen and Dynamic Medicine.
Dynamic Regimen is a fundamental and primary aspect of Romantic Healthcare. A state of health can be disturbed into imbalance by a lack or excess of various factors necessary to life, both physical – nutrition, exercise, sleep, respiration, hydration, etc. – and psychological – mental and emotional stressors. If these disturbances continue for long without being corrected by simple adjustments to regimen, they develop into disorders, requiring a more systematic and intense therapeutic intervention. This intervention must take both the dynamic or energetic aspect (vital nature) as well as the chemical and biochemical aspect (inert nature) into account, as both working together produce the metabolic system of the body, which is our powerhouse. If any disorder is not properly addressed, and the symptoms only suppressed or palliated, then eventually the disorder impinges on the deeper, generative side of the living power of an organism and we get something more serious – a disease. A disease cannot be removed by regimenal measures but requires a different approach.
Dynamic Medicine is designed to remove disease. Whereas disorders can be removed by the application of the law of opposites (Vitamin C for a lack of Vitamine C for example, exercise for lack of exercise, fewer calories for an excess, etc.), the removal of disease requires a different law, the law of similars. This is the basis for homeopathy specifically and Heilkunst more generally (which includes homotonic prescribing as well).
Both Dynamic Regimen and Dynamic Medicine are based on a study and understanding of a living or Dynamic Physiology that takes into account the interplay of vital powers, forces and energies as well as physical ones. Romantic Healthcare also incorporates a Dynamic Anatomy (structural adjustments working with the forces and energies of the body), as well as an inert one (mechanical movement of bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons).