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Free Lectures
Recordings of various topics on Romantic Science healthcare and Heilkunst Medicine.
Listen to these recordings to learn more about what's covered in our study programs.
Heilkunst: Intentional Remedy
part 1
2022–05-12 Intentional Remedy part 1Rudi Verspoor
00:00 / 12:58
2022-05-12 Intentional Remedy part 1

Heilkunst: Intentional Remedy
Part 2
2022-05-12 Intentional Remedy part 2Rudi Verspoor
00:00 / 04:07
2022-05-12 Intentional Remedy part 2

Student Testimonial
I wanted to express my gratitude and appreciation for all you have done to develop the college program! I am enjoying it immensely and It will be imprinted in my mind and I will keep re-reading, exploring, growing, developing, and having fun!! It’s so playful for my mind…
The Dynamic Regimen curriculum is so much fun and it’s taught me that, "I never want to get to the ‘KNOWING OF EVERYTHING’; I love the mystery too much!”
The [program] has taught me how to be more playful with learning and studying; that’s a huge deal for this rising Sun in Virgo perfectionist!
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